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OmniStudio Naming Conventions: A Guide to Consistency and Clarity

Effective naming conventions are foundational to maintaining consistency, clarity, and efficiency within any Salesforce implementation. In the context of OmniStudio, where reusable components such as OmniScripts, Integration Procedures, and DataRaptors (DataMappers) play a crucial role, a standardized approach to naming ensures seamless collaboration, streamlined development, and ease of maintenance. This article outlines best practices for naming conventions, focusing on avoiding redundancy, enhancing readability, and reducing the risk of errors associated with overlapping names or unclear designations.

Naming Convention Guidelines

This article aims to establish a unified naming convention for various clouds within Salesforce Industries. A standardized naming protocol is critical for minimizing errors related to reusable components—such as OmniScripts, Integration Procedures, Data Mappers and Flex Cards — that may otherwise share identical names. By adopting these conventions, users can enhance clarity and ensure easy identification and understanding of each object and its purpose.

Consistency in naming and coding is essential to avoid duplication of logic and code. As a best practice, differentiation should be avoided unless necessary, and clear descriptions or specifications should always accompany component names.

For OmniScripts, Integration Procedures (Type and Subtype), and DataRaptors (API Name), it is essential to refrain from using underscores (_). Following this convention ensures uniformity and reduces confusion when working with these standard objects.

Naming conventions of main objects

The name of the main object (OmniScripts, DataRaptors, Integration Procedures and FlexCards) will be as follows:<object type code><functional description> where 

  • <object type code> will depend on the object type (see table below)  
  • <functional description> will be a brief description of the functionality covered by the object
ObjectObject Type Code
Integration Procedure IP
DataRaptor Extract DRE 
DataRaptor Post DRP 
DataRaptor TransformDRT 
Decision MatrixDM 
Expression SetES
Flex Card FC 
Flyout FO 

*Note that it is important that names do not contain spaces..

SFI Object Elements

In “OmniScript Designer” and “Integration Procedures” each object must have a unique identifier to ensure that every element name is distinct. While Salesforce Industries (SFI) enforces uniqueness within an OmniScript, it does not validate uniqueness across other OmniScripts, which can lead to issues when OmniScripts are reused. To prevent such conflicts, a consistent naming format is required for single object elements in OmniScripts and Integration Procedures.

The naming convention for these elements is as follows:

<element type code>_<attribute code><suffix (if required)>

  • <element type code>: A concise functional description of the element, without spaces.
  • <attribute code>: A reference to the attribute to which the field delivers data.
  • <suffix (if required)>: An optional addition used in cases where the attribute may refer to multiple objects or accounts (e.g., name, address, etc.).

By adhering to this naming structure, you can ensure clarity, consistency, and interoperability when designing and managing OmniScripts and Integration Procedures.

The following table shows structure element type codes to be used:

ElementStructure Element TypeStructure Element Type Code
Actions Expression Set Action ES
DataRaptor Extract Action DRE 
DataRaptor Post Action DRP 
DataRaptor Transform Action DRT 
Delete Action DEL
DocuSign Envelope Action ENV
DocuSign Signature Action SIGN
Done Action DONE 
Email Action EMail
Integration Procedure Action IP
Intelligence Action INTL 
List Action LIST
Decision Matrix Action LU
OmniForm OmniForm 
Navigation ActionNAV
PDF Action PDF
Remote Action RA
Response Action RES
Review Action RVW 
Set Errors ERR
Set Values SV
Submit Submit 
Display Line Break BRK
TextBlock TB
Functions Aggregate Aggr 
Formula FRML
Geolocation GEO
Messaging MSSG
Groups Block Blck 
Action BlockAB
Edit Block EBlck 
Radio Group RGrp 
Step STP
Type Ahead Block TYP
Cache BlockCACHE
Conditional BlockCOND
Try Catch Block
Inputs Checkbox CHK
Currency CUR
Custom Lightning Web ComponentLWC
Date DAT
Date/Time Date/Time 
Disclose Disclose 
Email Email 
File File 
Filter Filter 
Image IMG
Lookup Lookup 
Multi-select Mselect 
Number NUM
Password Pass 
Radio RAD
Range Range 
Select SEL
Signature SIG
Telephone Phone 
Text TXT
Text Area TA

Why Naming Conventions Matter | Key Takeaways

Establishing a robust naming convention at the start of every Salesforce Industries (SFI) project is a best practice that ensures consistency and clarity from the outset. By defining these standards early, teams can avoid confusion, reduce errors, and create a strong foundation for seamless collaboration and scalability throughout the project lifecycle. This proactive approach also supports the reusability of components like OmniScripts and Integration Procedures, enabling smoother integrations and more efficient maintenance in the long term.

Adopting standardized naming practices helps reduce errors, streamline development, and enhance the reusability of components. A well-defined naming strategy not only simplifies collaboration but also ensures long-term scalability and maintainability, enabling organizations to leverage the full potential of OmniStudio with confidence and precision.

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